Advanced Scala with Daniel Westheide
Daniel Westheide, author of “The Neophyte’s guide to Scala” and Stefan Tilkov talk about some advanced Scala features and challenges, such as case classes and the problems they can create, algebraic data types, type classes and implicits, using the compiler for Prolog-like type level programming and programming with generic data structures.
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- The Neophyte’s Guide to Scala
- Scala Meta
- Enforcing invariants in Scala datatypes
- Strategic Scala Style: Designing Datatypes
- Extractors
- Type classes
- Prolog example
- Shapeless
- The Type Astronaut’s Guide to Shapeless
- Circe, yet another JSON library for Scala
- There’s a Prolog in your Scala! (Slides)
- There’s a Prolog in your Scala! (Source Code)
- innoQ Podcast: Advanced Scala, Part 1 (German)
- innoQ Podcast: Advanced Scala, Part 2 (German)
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