Conversations about Software Engineering

Conversations about Software Engineering (CaSE) is a podcast for software engineers about technology, software engineering, software architecture, reliability engineering, and data engineering. The three of us regularly come together to discuss recent events or articles, exchange on our learnings, and reflect on our professional and personal experiences. Additionally our guest episodes feature engaging conversations with interesting people from the world of software engineering.

aim42 with Gernot Starke

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Joy Clark talks with Gernot Starke about aim42, a method for systematically improving software. They discuss in detail the three phases of the process: Analyze, Evaluate, and Improve. Gernot shares his wisdom about how to carry out each phase using stories of his experiences in many different situations. In this way, listeners will get the big picture of how the whole process works: from visualizing all of the problems using sticky notes on the wall to specific strategies that can be used for improving the system.

Advanced Scala with Daniel Westheide

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Daniel Westheide, author of “The Neophyte’s guide to Scala” and Stefan Tilkov talk about some advanced Scala features and challenges, such as case classes and the problems they can create, algebraic data types, type classes and implicits, using the compiler for Prolog-like type level programming and programming with generic data structures.

ClojureScript with David Nolen

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Joy Clark talks with David Nolen about ClojureScript. David introduces the language and discusses the direction that the language is heading in. He talks about how the language is compiled to JavaScript and how it takes advantage of the the Google Closure Compiler. They then talk about designing user interfaces and how functional programming relates to UI design. To wrap up, David mentions different libraries and frameworks that can be used and recommends tools which can be used to get started programming with ClojureScript.

Management for Developers with Camille Fournier

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Stefan Tilkov talks to Camille Fournier about making a career as a manager in a software development organization. Camille shares her insights about when or why someone would want to become a manager and how to become good at it. Other topics include different levels of management from tech lead to CTO, the role of one-on-one meetings, and how managers influence company culture.

Scala with Sofia Vaughn-Jones

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Joy Clark talks with Sofia Vaughn-Jones (née Cole) about Scala. Sofia introduces the language and describes its features. They then discuss what kinds of programs can be written with Scala and the tooling and frameworks that are available. They attempt to define what a monad is and how it can be used. To wrap up, Sofia mentions some great resources for getting started with Scala.

Microservices with Michele Leroux Bustamante

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In this episode, Stefan Tilkov talks to Michele Leroux Bustamante about Microservices. Michele shares her perspective on microservices and what she sees as the difference between SOA and microservices: The way they share data. Stefan and Michele also talk about orchestration, getting started with microservices, platforms for microservices as well as a few short other topics.

Clojure with Alex Miller

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Joy Clark talks with Alex Miller about Clojure. Topics include the Clojure language and how it compares to other languages as far as features and maintainability are concerned. The benefits of dynamic languages are also discussed, and clojure.spec is introduced as a way to gain the benefits of statically typed languages. Alex also talks about ways to structure Clojure code and gives a great list of tools and materials for getting started with Clojure.

Microservices with Eberhard Wolff

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Lucas Dohmen talks with Eberhard Wolff about microservices. Eberhard Wolff is a fellow at innoQ and wrote a book as well as a primer about microservices. He talks about what lead to microservices and the advantages, and disadvantages of as well as the preconditions for the architecture. He then introduces different styles of microservices and how they influence and are influenced by organizational structures. Eberhard also talks about introducing microservices, how they communicate with each other as well as testing microservices.

Rails Girls with Ute Mayer

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Eberhard Wolff talks with Ute Mayer about Rails Girls. Topics include how Rails Girls increase diversity in IT and thereby influence the live of the attendees. Rails Girls is a global movement and does workshops to introduce women to programming. Attendees can then join project groups to work on specific projects and apply for the Rails Girls Summer of Code to develop open source projects. The training material is free and open source - and includes information how to start a Rails Girls group. There are many way to support: Rails Girls is looking for coaches and sponsors.

Legacy Software and Immutable Infrastructure with Chad Fowler

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Joy Clark talks with Chad Fowler about legacy software and immutable infrastructure. They begin by discussing legacy software and why the description 'legacy' shouldn't actually be a bad thing. Then they contrast how reusable libraries differ from a system of services which is flexible and can change over time. Chad then describes how they developed Wunderlist using a microservices architecture and answers questions about how to practically develop and test such a system and how to decrease coupling between components. They wrap up by discussing how the principles of immutable infrastructure can be applied to software development in general.